Saturday, September 29, 2018

My Saturday Plans

Happy fall, y'all! OK, it's actually 90 degrees here which is wild to me. I'm jealous of everybody who lives more up north who are experiencing a drop in temperature. Anyway, I'm so excited for my first blog post! I've tried doing this so many times and have quit for various reason. But I'm sticking with it this time.

This past week at school has been absolutely hectic and I am so relieved it's finally the weekend. I had to redo probably 100 notecards for my American Civil Liberties class, write a research paper on Judge Brett Kavanaugh for the same class and work on my article for my reporting class. This weekend I have to put together a 7-minute presentation on the role of media in politics for class on Monday. And then the whole cycle starts again. Is Thanksgiving here, yet?

Anyway, here's some desk candy, if you'd like to consider it that. Either way, this desk has been getting a lot of attention so far this weekend.

Also, let's just talk about how obsessed I am with Emily Ley's Simplified Planner. This last year has taken a major toll on my agenda and I am so excited to buy a new one. I used the daily Jan-Dec ones. My heart is set on the blue tile.

One more thing: I just finished the sixth season of New Girl. Oh. My. God. That's all I've got to say.

Until next time,


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